2030 Strategic Goals

To achieve our 'Anyone Can Move' ambition, ICP-Move looks to the future with our new strategic plan. In “Strategic Goal 2030”, we set six goals that allow us to create a more inclusive sports landscape. Inclusion, empowerment, connection and connection, innovation and discovery, and a sustainable policy.

That's what we're going for. Will you help us out?

Strategic goal 1: ICP-Move connects #ICPconnects

You move together. By inspiring each other, people move together, mentally and physically. That is why ICP-Move focuses on connecting people with “moving” as the first step.

ICP-Move builds a network of professionals, of people, to make movement accessible to everyone together. To achieve this goal, ICP-Move uses its existing network and partnerships and uses them as a lever to expand this network. With this, ICP-Move wants to reach beyond Flanders and set up a network that connects people around the world and gives them the opportunity to move.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 1.1: ICP-Move will spread across Europe by 2030, and have permanent ICP move coaches over half of Europe.

Goal 1.2: ICP-Move has a network of coaches across Europe by 2030, and is the organizer of networking opportunities to exchange and develop knowledge.

Goal 1.3: ICP-Move inspires people from different areas of interest to work together in a transdisciplinary way by 2030.

Goal 1.4: ICP-Move connects with local experts from Europe by 2030 and helps them make international connections.

Strategic goal 2: ICP-Move empowers #ICPEmpowers

To move people, you need tools. ICP-Move wants to give coaches these tools to further develop and strengthen their own guidance style, so that they can let others move in their area of interest.

To do this, ICP-Move focuses on developing courses and further education.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 2.1: ICP-Move offers courses by 2030 that attract professionals from various disciplines and areas of interest.

Goal 2.2: ICP-Move develops a “lifelong learning” path by 2030.

Goal 2.3: ICP-Move works bottom-up by 2030 and responds to the demand of its users.

Strategic goal 3: ICP move discovers #ICPDiscovers

Everyone moves differently. To keep moving, ICP-Move is committed to discovering what people need to move, regardless of the disability. To do this, ICP-Move conducts practical research and works evidence-based.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 3.1: ICP-Move will conduct in-house practical research by 2030.

Goal 3.2: By 2030, ICP-Move will be the preferred partner in Europe to conduct research on inclusive sports.

Goal 3.3: ICP-Move will be present in the higher education/university landscape by 2030 and included in the curricula of at least three partners.

Strategic goal 4: ICP move includes #ICPIncludes

You don't exercise alone. Working out together engages and motivates you to exercise and helps you make social contacts. That is why ICP-Move is committed to allowing everyone to exercise, regardless of background or disability.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 4.1: ICP-Move offers training courses in 2030 to motivate various target groups to exercise.

Goal 4.2: ICP-Move is an inclusive work culture by 2030, where people with a diverse background work.

Strategic goal 6: ICP move continues #ICPContinues

You can't move without a plan either. In order to keep moving, ICP-Move focuses on recurring income, continuity and process-based work. This way, we can guarantee our quality and support, and contribute to a sporting future for everyone.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 6.1: ICP-Move develops various recurring sources of income by 2030.

Goal 6.2: ICP-Move will work process-based in 2030 with an eye for the continuity and sustainability of its projects.

Strategic goal 4: ICP move includes #icpincludes

You don't exercise alone. Working out together engages and motivates you to exercise and helps you make social contacts. That is why ICP-Move is committed to allowing everyone to exercise, regardless of background or disability.

Our 2030 goals:

Goal 4.1: ICP-Move offers training courses in 2030 to motivate various target groups to exercise.

Goal 4.2: ICP-Move is an inclusive work culture by 2030, where people with a diverse background work.